Liberty Business Park
14 Shovel-ready pad sites of 5 to 15 acres, 50,000 to 1,000,000 million square feet - in Liberty, NY
1 Gigi Court, Monsey, NY 10952
(917) 930 2025
Langan Engineering
360 West 31st Street, NY 10001
(212) 479-5400
Charles Bazydlo
5 Howard Seeley Rd., Thompson, NY 10985
(845) 361-3668
Liberty Business Park Ready for Tenants
Shovel Ready Sites Still Key to Economic Turnaround
After a long approval process BSD, LLC has begun to place at the ready approximately 109 acres along Old Route 17 between 1-86 exits 101 and 102 in the Town of Liberty. The site plan lists 14 potential lots totaling approximately 75 buildable acres, which can potentially yield up to 1 million sq ft of space at total build out. Already the entry road has been cut in with the firm ready to accept its first tenant. A much needed addition to an area severely lacking commercial/industrial inventory, the Liberty Business Park is a welcome site alternative to the Sullivan County Partnership, the agency charged with enhancing economic development in Sullivan County.
The effort began in 2007 when the Sullivan County Partnership helped BSD, LLC secure a soft costs approval grant through the Empire State Development "Build Now New York" grant program. The program is geared to assist developers with pre-approvals, as often the process is cumbersome, costly, and acts as a barrier to new investment in a given area. The program has acted as a catalyst throughout New York State encouraging developers into investing in commercial property in order to prepare land for future development. 'Build Now New York' has helped prepare sites to dramatically reduce the time it takes for potential businesses to construct new facilities by seeking approvals on the front end before marketing the land outright. "In the end it positions the BSD and ultimately the Town and County to respond to the market more efficiently, and shows businesses that we are ready to receive them", said Sam Eisenberg, Managing Principal of BSD, LLC.
Under the leadership of Supervisor Charlie Barbuti, The Town of Liberty has been seeking of ways to stimulate the local economy while cognizant of keeping costs in check. We are excited about the prospects of attracting new investment and helping the community attract new businesses, " said Supervisor Barbuti. According to Barbuti one possibility could be to attract business that have been hit by floods and other natural challenges throughout the area as the site exhibits dry elevated areas not prone to those events. " The site is appropriately located in an area proximate to 1-86 where other businesses like Sims Recycling, Pestech, Tommy's Towing, UPS and others have found success", he added.
Often a political football, used to advance varying agendas, the term "Shovel Ready" has been recently misused, effectively diminishing its underlying meaning. In true practice however, the act of making a site shovel ready is one of the best strategies communities have to attract new investment. By cutting down the often-challenging approval process, communities can serve both businesses and those concerned about development impacts. "Providing definitive direction and concrete answers to key development questions up front, simplifies the decision making process from an investment point of view and provides for clear expectations before any development occurs ", said Marc Baez, Principal of Baez Associates, a local economic development and small business consulting firm. Baez facilitated the grant process originally, which began in 2007. According to Baez," ...adding to a deficient inventory will better position the area for future development. Those asleep at the wheel will find themselves further behind while waiting for the economy to shows signs of recovery".
BSD LLC is now putting together a marketing budget and strategy to begin aggressively pursuing new tenants. Working with the Town of Liberty and the Sullivan County Partnership, BSD hopes to attract its 1 g business by early Spring continuing to pursue others until development is maximized.